Assembly Commission



Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Tŷ Hywel



Thursday, 25 June 2015



13.00 - 14.00




Minutes:  AC(4)2015(9)




Commission Members:


Dame Rosemary Butler AM (Chair)

Peter Black AM

Angela Burns AM

Sandy Mewies AM

Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM






Officials present:


Claire Clancy, Chief Executive & Clerk of the Assembly

Craig Stephenson, Director of Commission Services

John Chick, Head of Members' Business Support

Sulafa Thomas, Head of Commission Secretariat







Others in attendance:


David Melding AM, Deputy Presiding Officer

Helena Feltham, Independent Adviser






1      Introduction




1.1  Introduction and apologies


There were no apologies.




1.2  Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.




1.3  Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes of 11 June were agreed.




2      Dissolution of the Fourth Assembly and Transition to the Fifth Assembly


Commissioners considered a paper providing information to inform decisions relating to preparations for dissolution of the Fourth Assembly.


The first area for decision related to the use of Assembly resources during the dissolution period at the end of the Fourth Assembly. Commissioners discussed the options, and agreed that some, limited, Commission resources enabling Members to complete residual casework only would be permitted. This takes account of the restrictions necessary to give effect to the fundamental concept of dissolution - ensuring a level playing field for all candidates seeking election.


Further information will be provided before the summer recess, and guidance will be prepared for Members and issued in the autumn term to enable Members to prepare for dissolution in a timely way. Commissioners also flagged the importance of guidance for support staff being available to AMs (as employers).


Commissioners also considered a recommendation from the Remuneration Board about providing an outplacement/advice service in relation to the 2016 election. Commissioners agreed to provide this type of service to support Members losing their seat at an election, and particularly to support staff who will be made redundant as a consequence of their employer no longer being an Assembly Member.




3      Fifth Assembly - Vote 2016 awareness campaign


The Commission considered a paper which provided a broad outline of the planned communications activities supporting the Vote 2016 campaign, focusing on the National Assembly election on 5 May 2016.


Commissioners felt the plans offered an opportunity to further engage the people of Wales in the democratic process. They were content with the approach outlined, including the opportunity to position the Senedd’s tenth anniversary on 1 March 2016 as a key milestone in the campaign that will promote the building as the home of Welsh democracy and public life.


Commissioners discussed the importance of maintaining some more ‘old fashioned’ marketing methods – such as leaflets and posters – alongside the electronic and social media to reach a wide range of audiences.




4      Paper to note - Draft Audit and Risk Assurance Committee minutes 8 June 2015


The Audit and Risk Assurance Committee minutes from the meeting on 8 June were noted.




5      Any other business


Commissioners raised concerns about two facilities management related issues.


The Commission will next meet on Thursday 9 July. The meeting will focus on performance and Commissioners will consider the draft budget for 2016/17.

